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Spiritual Shop
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Numerology Reading / Birthday Readings
Are you the Warrior, Peacemaker, Caregiver, Humanitarian or Explorer?
Numerology is a divination method using numbers that are symbols of varying vibrational patterns that form the human experience. The Chaldeans of ancient times believed all things were made of energy vibrating at varying states and modern science is just learning the concept. Numerology offers a system that allows one to understand the universe as well as personal qualities of vibrational patterns working together to represent one's life. It is also possible to calculate relationship changes as time passes.
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Terms and conditions
Payment Option
Services will be confirmed once payment is received
All payments must be made too
FNB Cresta
Transaction Account
Account number 51440044603
Branch code 254905
Reference: First Letter of Name and Surname
Acc Name Yvonne de Bruin
Services will be confirmed once payment is received
All payments must be made too
FNB Cresta
Transaction Account
Account number 51440044603
Branch code 254905
Reference: First Letter of Name and Surname
Acc Name Yvonne de Bruin
Shipment note
Add R80 for local deliveries within Gauteng
Add R99 for Postnet to Postnet
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Add R99 for Postnet to Postnet
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