Your A to Z of Complementary Health & Healing

Event Calendar

Taming Your Trauma Triggers!

01:30 PM

Getting out of the Trauma Trap to find your calm in the midst of the hustle and bustle of daily living
A practical and valuable course that offers you tools to cope with stress and engage with your gift of resilience when times get tough.
These tools will also equip you to deal with pressures in the workplace
Dates: 2 Afternoons – Saturday the 24th of August from 1.30pm to 4pm and Saturday the 7th of September from 1.30pm to 4pm
What is included in this powerful course:
Meditations for relaxing and unwinding when you go into fight or flight mode
Working with various Aromatherapy oils to calm frayed nerves. The sense of smell is a very powerful way for either stimulating energy or to help you to unwind. You will make your own healing spray which you take home with you and can use when you feel stressed
I will show you how to become more aware of your emotions and your triggers so that you can become more detached and objective during a difficult situation
We will also look at how your body reacts to stress and how you can use various breathing and movement techniques to stop the automatic flight or fight response that we go into
Discovering how herbal remedies and various foods will help to strengthen the body. When you make healthier food choices you strengthen your physical body which in turn helps you to cope with stress and difficulties with greater ease
Using the power of colour to calm you down
For Fun ! Using the oracle cards to give you insight into what is going on in your life. These include the spirit oracle, unicorn, and Archangel oracle cards to name but a few
Cost : R850 for the 2 afternoons including your healing spray, notes and healthy refreshments
Contact: Yvonne at +2768195 6446 or yvonne@spiritualworld.co.za Booking essential!
A Brief Biography of Yvonne De Bruin
Venue: Randpark ridge Randburg
Yvonne has studied Psychology to honours level. She is a qualified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner and has completed courses in trauma and bereavement counselling as well as a number of personal empowerment and divinatory workshops. Yvonne has studied and practiced Reiki, Belvaspata Healing, Access Bars and Transformational Healing Massage. She has combined her years of experience with the knowledge that she has built up through study and research and now offers spiritual counselling and coaching by email or on a one on one basis to those who need personal guidance. She is also the founder of the website www.spiritualworld.co.za which has successfully been running for the past 30 years and has provided information to those who want to learn about complementary health and healing.

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About Me: 

A Biography of Yvonne De Bruin

Yvonne has studied Psychology to honours level. She is a qualified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner & has a Masters in both Erickson Hypnosis and NLP and Health. She has completed courses in trauma and bereavement counselling as well as a number of personal empowerment and divinatory workshops. Yvonne has studied and practiced Reiki, Belvaspata Healing, Access Bars and Transformational Healing Massage. She has combined her years of experience with the knowledge that she has built up through study and research and now offers spiritual counselling and coaching by email or on a one on one basis to those who need personal guidance. She is also the founder of the website www.spiritualworld.co.za which has successfully been running for the past 20 years and has provided information to those who want to learn about complementary health and healing.



Services Offered:

Tarot,  Numerology and Angel Readings

Counselling & Coaching

Healing - Reiki, Belvasapata, Access Bars, Colour Healing, Pendulum Healing


Sacred Rose Healing Sprays

Currently in stock:

1. Connecting with the Angels

2. For meditation and connecting with Spirit Guides

3. Calm, Peace, Tranquility and Protection

4. Love and Healing of Emotions